Q: What are three words you would use to describe Texas?
Susanne: Surprising, worthwhile, beautiful
Trent: Big, hot, awesome
Sam: Hot, burning, desert
Biscuit: Birds, birds, birds!
Q: Thinking about the places we've visited in Texas, what's been your favorite so far?
Susanne: I loved Mission San Jose in San Antonio! That was such a nice surprise (and so much better than The Alamo, which was packed and actually kind of boring). I also really enjoyed our time in Austin, mainly because we got to spend time with friends.
Trent: Austin food and beer, and the state parks.
Biscuit: Lake Medina, because I got to stalk deer from the window.
Q: What's been the most challenging thing about living in the RV over the past few weeks?
Susanne: It's hot. The air conditioner is keeping up as best it can, but when it's 104 degrees outside, it's no cooler than about 85 degrees inside. And we can't get much better than that, really.
Trent: Biscuit waking us up all the time. It’s like having a baby again but with no promise she will grow out of it.
Sam: Trying to deal with all the questions you're asking me!
Biscuit: The humans. The humans are very trying.
Q: What's been your favorite meal over the past few weeks?
Susanne: I loved the Florentino and Freakin' Vegan tacos at Tacodeli in Austin!
Trent: Out of the RV it was the kimchi fries I had in Austin (at Chi'lantro), in the RV it was probably the Buddha Bowl Susanne made.
Sam: Mangoes!
Biscuit: The bug I caught and devoured yesterday. These Texas bugs are delicious.
Q: What do you miss most about non-nomadic life?
Susanne: Personal space. Sometimes I would love a little more room.
Trent: Nothing at all.
Sam: Not being settled down somewhere.
Biscuit: Private space for doing my business. If you must know.
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