Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Quotes from the RV

Each of us will be the driver's at some point during this post.

Our current location.


"I don't care were we go as long as we have Verizon coverage."

"How full is the black tank?"

"I'm going to go dump the tanks."

"I can't wait for the fall."


"Daddy is eating pretzels again."


"Who wants the first hug and what do you say?"

"Mommy said a bunch of bad words when you were out."

"Biscuit wants us to worship her."


"If it was just a few degrees cooler we could eat outside." (It was 102 outside.)

"Why does biscuit always wait till we start eating to poop?"

"Wipe off the sink."

"I wish we had a coffee butler."

"I'm going to miss the summer."




"Feed the biscuit or I'll eat your feet."

"You may now pet me."

"I just caught and ate a bug and nobody cares."

"I have a toy in my mouth and they are all dead. So sad." (after we go to bed).

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